The iScooter brand specializes in the production of off-road electric scooters. Their product line is known for its quality and reliability, which has made them extremely popular with consumers.
Electric scooter brand iScooter
iScooter electric scooters are the best on the market. They are made with high quality components and deliver exceptional performance. iScooter electric scooters are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and sports enthusiasts.
iScooter is a brand of off-road electric scooters that manufactures high quality products. iScooter electric scooters are known for their maneuverability, robustness and longevity. The brand’s models offer good autonomy and a maximum speed of 25 km/h. The iScooter product line includes foldable and non-folding electric scooters, electric scooters, hoverboards and electric bicycles.

What size for an adult scooter?
Most electric scooters are designed for children and teenagers, but there are also models intended for adults. If you’re looking for an off-road electric scooter for yourself or someone taller, you might be wondering what the right size is. The answer is simple: it depends on your height and weight.
Electric scooter manufacturers typically make models for kids under 10, teens, and adults. Electric scooters for kids are often smaller and lighter, making them easier to maneuver for young riders. Electric scooters for teens and adults generally have a stronger structure and a more powerful motor, which allows them to handle heavier riders.
Which scooter weighs more than 100 kg?
When you weigh more than 100 kg, it is important to choose an electric scooter that can support your weight. Many electric scooters are designed to carry loads of up to 150 kg, but a few models can handle loads of up to 200 kg. If you are looking for an all-terrain electric scooter weighing over 100 kg, here are some of the best models you will find:
Electric scooter iscooter: This model of electric scooter is able to support up to 120 kg and offers great performance on difficult terrain. The scooter is also equipped with a powerful 1000 W brushless motor that can reach a top speed of 25 km/h.

Electric scooter s9pro by iscooter This Off road electric scooter is capable of supporting up to 160kg and has excellent maneuverability.
Which scooter to go to work?
The iScooter brand offers different models of off-road electric scooters for different types of use. If you are looking for a mobility scooter to take to work, we recommend the s9max model. The scooter has a powerful 500W motor and a 48-volt battery that can travel up to 25 kilometers on a single charge. It also has an LCD display and a remote control so you can easily control speed and direction. Finally, its adjustable suspension will provide you with optimal comfort on the road.